Missionary Services


The NAD Missionary Services department exists to ensure that missionaries who call the NAD their home, feel seen, heard, and supported during their mission experience.  A career missionary may receive a call to serve in either the Intra-Division Missionary (IDM) program or the International Service Employee (ISE) program.  IDMs are missionaries called to an assignment within the North American Division territory and ISEs are missionaries called to an assignment outside of their home Division territory.

Our department assists in the promotion and awareness of mission opportunities as well as the recruitment and screening of prospective missionaries. We also write and review guidelines that support mission programs sponsored by the North American Division.

For more information, contact us at:  Mission@nadadventist.org


Orna Garnett

Orna Garnett is currently serving as the Associate Secretary for Missionary Services.  She brings over 25 years of multi-state human resource administration experience plus a passion for expatriate support to this role. Orna considers acts- of- service to be her intrinsic God-given gift, that drives her work toward greater impact.

Elizabeth Mills

Administrative Professional