Carolyn R. Forrest, MSM, SPHR
Associate Secretary and Director of Human Relations.
Office: 443.391.7105
Email: carolynforrest@nadadventist.org
Danielle Toddy
Director, Human Resource Services
Office: 443.391.7101
Email: DanielleToddy@nadadventist.org
Secretariat Support Staff
Valerie Robbins
Administrative Office Assistant
Office: 443.391.7113
Email: valerierobbins@nadadventist.org
Sharri Davenport
Appointee Coordinator/Administrative Assistant
Office: 443.391.7110
Email: sharridavenport@nadadventist.org
Administrative Assistant to OHR
Office: 443.391.7106
Ana Guerrero
Administrative Assistant to the Undersecretary
Office: 443.391.7112
Email: AnaGuerrero@nadadventist.org
Human Resource Services Support Staff
Sarah Kelly
HR Systems and Training Specialist
Office: 443.391.7104
Email: SarahKelly@nadadventist.org
Office of Volunteer Ministries Support Staff
Casey Vaughn
Recruiting and Marketing Specialist
Office: 443.391.4164
Email: caseyvaughn@nadadventist.org
Gladys Guerrero
Tutoring & Mentoring Coordinator
Office: 443.391.7117
Email: gladysguerrero@nadadventist.org
ISE/ IDM Services Support Staff
Orna Garnett
Associate Secretary/Director of ISE and IDM Services
Office: 443.391.7119
Email: orna.garnett2@nadadventist.org
Elizabeth Mills
Administrative Assistant of ISE and IDM Services
Email: elizabethmills@nadadventist.org@nadadventist.org